$100 discount code (first-time buyers only) - use this link below: https://refer.lovesac.com/s/Sarek

I travel a lot for work, spending hours sitting in cars and airplane seats… and ironically all I want to do when I get home is… sit down. With only me and my wife living together, the middle seat on our couch effectively never got used. Why sit there when you could sit on the end with the arm rest? I sat in that center spot one night and it made me realize just how sagging, unsupported, and flat my side of the couch had become. The exterior of the couch was immaculate and though the furniture company would restuff the couch… they couldn’t do all parts. Making that approach just as effective as putting shiny new rims on a rusty clunker of a car. I was disappointed as the center seat was also, as mentioned, in great condition. If I could just replace the side seats I’d be golden. THAT is when I discovered Lovesac sactionals.
With their motto, “the world’s most adaptable couch”, Lovesac sactionals allow you to design your own couch and assemble it much like legos. This provides you the ability to change the shape, design, and even look of your couch over and over again. So the next time you have a seat with worn out cushioning… instead of replacing an entire couch you simply buy new stuffing. If someone spills wine or a your cat goes to town sharpening their nails on the sides, no problem. Simply replace the outer cover.
Honestly, Lovesac has designed and developed one of those items which keeps you asking yourself, “why hasn’t this been industry standard all along?” The short answer of course is that furniture companies don’t want you to just replace the stuffing or a single piece of the furniture. They’d rather you have to buy and entirely new piece of furniture.
Lovesac is now my go-to for furniture when I need it or recommending to family. The sactionals can be customized and as your room and life changes, you can change the lovesac sactionals too. Let’s say for example you’ve panted your game room from blue to red. Instead of buying a new couch… simply purchase a new sactional cover that matches your new theme. BAM with less money, faster time, and without having to buy a new couch, your sofa looks brand new.
Effectively, Lovesac Sactionals are built to last and designed to evolve as your space does. Connects easy, rearrangeable, can be upgraded, and washed… what more can you ask for?! Ships in multiple boxes, so set up is quick and easy.
Check out our video review here (https://youtu.be/CsP61gIsmi8) and don’t forget to use the 2020 lovesac coupon code at checkout.
$100 discount code (first-time buyers only) - use this link below: https://refer.lovesac.com/s/Sarek
Need more info? Check out the video (link below) demonstrating how the sectionals can be configured in many different ways.
Below are just a SMALL sampling of the configurations you can do with just a few pieces! Let us know what you think of Lovesac's Sactionals. We like to hear feedback. Cheers!