#1 FUN Experience with the entire family at Top Golf, Las Vegas! We came to Top Golf to Celebrate Dad's 65th Birthday during our week long Las Vegas family vacation. It was SOOOO Much FUN! Going out to Vegas and staying at MGM Grand as much as we do, Sarek and I have seen Top Golf offered for the past few visits. Boy are we glad #1 that we tried this, and #2 that we waited until the family could join in! We all had a BLAST! We got a shuttle over to Top Golf from MGM Grand, and did the short walk on the way back to get our steps in.
We played golf from 1:00pm - 3:00pm after being checked into our bay on level 3. This was the 21 up and older floor, worked great for our group. We had a bay for just us family that was amazing. Comfy seats, food and drink service, games to play, clubs to use, and did I mention temperature control? Pretty sweet! We are all signed up now as members and hope to use this golf service again! Dad and Sarek were just Amazing at playing the Golf Games and earning major points for longest distances, double bonus rounds where next shot earned double, etc. I have to admit mom and I also landed some pretty good shots into the center targets. Fun was had by all! We absolutely recommend you try Top Golf the next time you find yourself out in Las Vegas. A fantastic way to spend the afternoon! Stay tuned for our TopGolf video to come! #topgolf #golf #lasvegas #vegas #topgolflasvegas